Copy of The Create & Thrive Podcast - Episode 10

Hey Thrivers! Nick and I are currently on our way over to the UK for a sabbatical from our jewellery business, and to visit family and friends – we’ve got lots of adventures in mind for our 3 months abroad.

However, while we’re taking a break from Epheriell, all things Create & Thrive will be running as-usual while we are there – I’ll be sharing photos of our trip on the Epheriell IG if you want to follow our adventure! 

I’m planning on holding at least one meetup in London, so if you’d like to be part of a Create & Thrive meetup, make sure to let me know!

Now, let’s get on with this week’s episode…

In today’s Podcast I’m talking about some vital steps to take in order to make your creative passion into your dream business.

The 8 steps I cover in this episode are going to get you thinking about where you want to go, and how to harness your passion and creative fire to get there.

By following these simple steps, you will find that your business will grow and adapt along with your own needs and the needs of your customers.

Listen in for more detail on these 8 steps that will help you start, maintain and grow your own creative biz – there is a ton of motivational and practical info in this episode!

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  • Leaving a review on the C&T FB page.
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  • Donating a few dollars towards the costs of producing the pod.
  • Joining the Thriver Circle – without the members of the Circle, this podcast would not be possible.



Top of the mountain


Quotes and Highlights from this Episode:

  • Just because I like something doesn’t necessarily mean that someone wants to buy it.
  • You have to switch your mindset when you start selling stuff.
  • You still need to make things that you’re passionate about and that you care about.
  • You may need to change techniques and materials, you might need to change what you make entirely.
  • “You might not need to change, you might just need to get clearer on your ideal customer and seek those people out.”
  • Get balance by being obsessive about driving your business forward, not about the business itself.
  • “You need to care really, really deeply and you need to have that fire that will drive you when things get tough.”
  • It’s important to know why you’re doing this – what are you aiming for?
  • “What’s your why?”
  • If you know what your goal is, it’s easier to push through the uncertainty.
  • If you run hot and cold with your business it will make it so much harder to grow it.
  • You will never be ‘done’ with your business, if you are ‘done’ then it’s probably over.
  • Decide how much time you have to devote to it, decide on your key tasks and goals. Then do something every day to move your business forward.
  • “Make little tiny steps every single day – that is how you get to the top of the mountain.”
  • Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool you have.
  • Give your business cards to your friends and family.
  • “Mum always has a stack of Epheriell cards with her and I think she gives out more than I do!”
  • You never finish growing.
  • “Work the process of learning into your everyday habits.”
  • Help other people so share your skills to learn more. You learn something best by teaching it.
  • We are all equal even at different stages of our business.
  • It can be overwhelming the amount of stuff that’s out there in the world but pick 1-3 people that you trust and listen to them.
  • It can be dangerous to have all your eggs in one basket.
  • Diversifying can help you grow your business easier and more quickly.
  • Try out markets, consignment, wholesale and online and try it all for an amount of time which suits you and your products.
  • “I used to do markets and wholesale but I have found that not only do I want to sell online but it’s where my products sell best!”
  • Try different venues online: your own website, Etsy (US & International) , Madeit (Australia), Folksy (UK), Felt (NZ) etc
  • “I thought my customers were female to start with but now I have a huge market with men in my wedding rings since I followed my market.”
  • By having different products lines then you can touch on a lot of different markets.
  • Try new things every single day.
  • Don’t be afraid to give something a shot if you want to try it.
  • So what if you fail? Just move on to the next thing. If you don’t try, you will fail.
  • “If you’re just starting out, you might be scared to try new things since you haven’t built up your courage muscle. But this is the best time – at the beginning very few people are watching!”
  • You’re still finding out who you are in your business.
  • “If you have courage, it doesn’t mean you don’t feel fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway.”
  • If you keep waiting until you are perfectly 100% sure that you’re ready, then you would never do anything.
  • “If you commit to it, you will make it happen.”
  • Setting a date before you know you are ready means that you will be highly motivated.
  • By promising that you will make it happen, it will light the fire and you’ll live up to your own awesomeness.

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Create & Thrive
Copy of The Create & Thrive Podcast - Episode 10
Top of the mountain