Have you used Facebook Live to market your handmade business yet?
If so – how did it go (share with us in the comments!). If not – why not?
Is it the fear of being live on camera? Is it that you don’t know what to talk about? Is it that you’re just not into using Facebook?
Whatever the reason, I highly recommend you give this week’s episode a listen – because it might be just the thing that will encourage you to give FB live a go.
My guest is Jackie Muscat of Craft My Success, and she is a kid’s bedroom mural artist as well as an expert on how to grow your creative business using the (free!) power of Facebook.
Facebook might not be the first place you turn these days to market your business – but it should absolutely be a cornerstone of your online presence – because it is by far the most active social media in the world. And people really do expect you to be there.
Quotes & Highlights from this Episode:
- Based in the UK, Jackie Muscat is the muralist and Facebook strategist behind successful creative businesses World of Wall Craft and Create My Success.
- Through Craft my Success, Jackie helps other makers and artists get results with Facebook.
- You can guarantee that your ideal customers are on Facebook, with statistics in Australia showing 95% are on Facebook compared to 33% for Instagram.
- “If I am buying something online and it isn’t a household name, I go to the Facebook page and make a judgement on that…if you’re not visible on Facebook it’s going to have a negative impact”- Jackie
- You don’t have to pay to play on Facebook, the vast majority of things you can do on Facebook are Free.
- “If you learn the rules of play, there is no way it can’t benefit your business”- Jackie
- After being released in April 2016, Facebook Live saw a 300% increase in live videos between January and May 2016.
- “If you don’t add Facebook Live to your toolkits, you’re going to miss a trick”- Jackie
- With Facebook Live, people have access to the real you.
- Facebook live gives you the opportunity to say this is the real person behind this business- it is the closest you can get to meeting someone face to face over the internet.
- Work out what you’re going to talk about and have a plan so you’re not flailing around in the dark.
- Trolls: Combat trolls by calling them out and breeze on in a professional manner. Don’t let the possibility of it happening put you off because the gains to be made from Facebook Live are so much greater.
- You don’t need to be a big gregarious character to do Facebook Live- it’s about connecting who you are with your audience.
- Don’t stress about who is watching it live- the authenticity is still there in the replay!
- Repurpose your videos- don’t double your workload! Download your Facebook Live video and re-use it on other channels: Youtube, Blogs, Mailing List, etc.
- “Nobody is paying anywhere near as much attention to your business as you!”- Jess
- Facebook live can be done on desktop or any mobile device, however you’ll need a strong internet connection.
- Like any other video, make sure your lighting is good and you have everything you need on hand, ready to go. As much as you want to be real, you don’t want to look unprofessional!
- Give your audience somewhere to go from your podcast- the majority of your videos should have a ‘Call to Action” For example; Sign up to my mailing list, head to my store etc.
- “If you’re going to spend any money on advertising, spend it on Facebook!”- Jess
- Don’t put too much weight on it- you can do it again and keep getting better, it is more important to get over the hurdle and just do it.
- Challenge for this week: Do a Facebook Live in the next week.
- You can find Jackie on her website Craft My Success (This site/resource is no longer available).
- To download Jackie’s list of Facebook Live ideas click here (This site/resource is no longer available).
Download or listen to this episode below.
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