The Create & Thrive Podcast - Episode 4

There are so many things to consider when you’re growing a business.

But today, I’m not talking about things that you ‘do’ – I’m talking about qualities you embody. I think sometimes people fail not because they’re doing the wrong things… but because they’ve got an unskillful mindset.

Thankfully, I also believe that our mindset can change – we just have to have enough awareness to uncover our current tendencies, and then work on changing any that aren’t serving us.

In this episode, I’ve summed up what I believe are 5 absolutely non-negotiable elements of being successful. I call them ‘The 5 P’s of Successful Business.’

What are the 5 P’s?

I believe that to succeed in business, you must be positive, passionate, proactive, patient, and pragmatic.

I go into detail about each of these qualities in the podcast, and you can read a few highlights below. There are some really useful resources below, too, so make sure to check them out!

Enjoy 🙂

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C&T Podcast Episode 4 Quote

Quotes and highlights from this episode:

  • You have to believe in yourself in a deep, fundamental way.
  • Mindfulness meditation is a good tool for learning how to take a step back from your negative self-talk.
  • CT Post: Why (and How) You Should Practice Mindfulness Meditation
  • Book: Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain.
  • How two Thriver Circle Members got past challenges by being positive.
  • You must love both your craft and business. If you don’t love business, find someone who does to help you.
  • When you turn your hobby into a business, you run the risk of killing your passion for it.
  • It’s not a ‘build it and they will buy’ scenario – you have to work at it.
  • I recommend the GTD (Getting Things Done) list-keeping method, and I use Trello to do so.
  • “The more you fail, the more you will learn, and the more you try, the more you’ll succeed.” {Jess}
  • You’ve got to be willing to take risks.
  • ‘It’s a marathon, not a sprint’ (yes, I say this A LOT, has it sunk in yet?)
  • If you want to start, start with the end in mind, and be in it for the long haul.
  • Don’t neglect the ‘boring’ stuff, or it will come back to bite you.
  • “You’ve got to keep your feet on the ground AND your head in the clouds.” {Jess}
  • You have to know your limits.


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 P.S. Apologies in advance that this episode is a little percussive in spots, because I lost the muffler on my mike on our recent roadtrip – I’ve got a new one coming! 🙂


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Create & Thrive
The Create & Thrive Podcast - Episode 4
C&T Podcast Episode 4 Quote