I’m thankful to be able to share this story with you today – the story of how craft – specifically, jewellery-making and metalsmithing – helped SuzAnne Taylor to find new purpose in her life.

SuzAnne was a combat medic in the US Army, and after a tour in the Middle East, returned home with a severe case of PTSD.

I’ve known SuzAnne online for a few years now, but when I finally learnt the details of her story, I knew I wanted to bring her on the show to talk about her experience, and how finding a craft literally saved her life.

This is an incredibly moving episode – SuzAnne is an open book and we dive deep into her experiences over the years since her tour of duty.

I want to thank SuzAnne for sharing her experience with us – and sharing her journey towards healing. 

P.S. the Thriver Circle – my membership community & educational hub for makers – is open to new members right now – from June 13 to June 16 2019. Click here to find out more about how the Circle can help you grow your handmade biz… faster.

Quotes and highlights from this episode:


  • SuzAnne joined the army straight out of secondary school and spent over a decade serving her country.
  • After discharging from the military as a combat medic, SuzAnne was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Her clinician advised SuzAnne to find a hobby as part of her treatment plan. 
  • This led to SuzAnne signing up for a workshop at a bead store where she was hooked by the repetition, focus and attention to detail required to create her first beaded bracelet. 
  • “Whether it is metalsmithing or basket weaving, art is healing and it definitely saves lives” {Suzanne}
  • SuzAnne was keen to learn more metalsmithing and jewellery making, however, a workshop triggered her PTSD.
  • The workshop instructor provided out of hours opportunities to learn and provided SuzAnne with support and guidance as she further developed her skills.
  • SuzAnne started selling her jewellery through shows then created an online presence which she has consistently developed over time.
  •  “It was really slow at first but then you learn a little bit and you put that to work. It is a constant learning process and you’re never done” {SuzAnne}
  • Metalsmithing and jewellery making is an important element of SuzAnne’s management of PTSD. 
  • “This is where the jewellery making came into play – it gave me a sense of purpose to busy my hands and to busy my mind” {Suzanne}
  • As SuzAnne spent more time developing her art and business she 
  • “I am no longer a combat medic, I am a metal smith, and that did amazing things for my mental health” {SuzAnne}
  • Go check out SuzAnne’s beautiful work – Taylor Metal Designs.

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