Do you have big ideas… but struggle to make them happen?

I can’t count the number of projects I’ve never started, or not done properly, or been up at all hours trying to finish by a deadline!

Why does this happen?!

Because we don’t project manage properly, that’s why.

Today’s guest is here to save us from all of that! Kate Hutcheson of the Efficient/Creative has turned her years of project management experience to helping creatives like you and me work out how to get big things done.

She outlines a super-simple method for you to follow in order to plan and execute your next project… properly!


Quotes and highlights from this episode:

  • It is possible to be creative and organised by using project planning.
  • When working on a project, you can reach a point of resistance when a task becomes challenging or you don’t know what to do next. 
  • Project management assists in combatting resistance.
  • To begin, write down the tasks that have to be done to reach your goal. 
  • Making decisions are actions so include these in your brain dump of tasks. Not making decisions halts your project and creates resistance.
  • “You see the decisions you have to make as actions you have to take” {Kate}
  • Making a decision that is good enough for now is better than waiting to make a perfect decision. You can always change your mind or refine your decision later.
  • After completing your brain dump, take all of your tasks and shuffle them around to create a rough chronological order.
  • As you order tasks it is likely you will identify other tasks that are missing. Add these in.
  • After you have all your tasks ordered, estimate time for each task. 
  • “People have a tendency to under estimate the amount of time tasks will take them” {Kate}
  • Be realistic with your time and include a buffer. This is especially relevant if it is something you have never done before, something you are not very familiar with or something you hate doing.
  • Now you have your plan keep it somewhere handy where you can see it all the time.
  • “Mark your progress as you go so you get those little wins” {Kate}
  • If you get stuck on a step, break it down even further until there is a small enough task that you are confident you can complete.
  • “If you are creative and scatter brained all is not lost. You can be organised and creative!” {Kate}
  • Jess and Kate recommend the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
  • Find Kate at The Efficient/Creative.

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