Hi all, Jess here! I just wanted to take a moment to introduce you all to another of our new writers – the fabulous Eleanor Mayrhofer. Eleanor is ‘e.m.’ behind e.m.papers, a printable stationery business, and she also runs a blog called Steal This Process, where she shares the expertise she’s gained from more than 15 years of experience in project management. She has guest posted here before, and I loved her style so much I asked her to join us in the new year. Thankfully for you and me she said yes! Now it’s over to Eleanor…
I know, I know. Now is not the best time to suggest you start thinking about next year.
We are entering the busiest time of the year for makers and small businesses; the holiday frenzy.
But between all the order taking, order making, packing and shipping, it’s important to not waste the time after the holiday rush to set yourself up for success in the coming year.
Don’t get me wrong. I think taking some time off after the holidays to enjoy life, family and friends is a non-negotiable for living a well-rounded life, and frankly, for the health of your business.
So if now, in the middle of all the craziness you take a teeny amount of time to do some light weight reviewing and goal setting, come January you’ll be able to do the heavier lifting of deep thinking and planning about the future of your business after you’ve had some time to recoup.
Here are some things to just think about – even the middle of an extremely busy and hectic time – to make this process easier to boot up after you’re recharged and ready to tackle a new year.
Try to jot answers to these questions down as answers come to you. Nothing fancy, just use a notebook, Evernote file, or whatever tool you use regularly and feel most comfortable with.