During the Holidays, it’s no doubt you get together with family that perhaps you don’t see much of the year.
Inevitably, you will be asked ‘What have you been up to?’ When you start telling them about working for yourself from home, I am sure there has been at least one person who exclaims, ‘MUST BE NICE!’ Little do they know!
Working from home is not as easy as the stereotype would have you believe.
In fact, it can end becoming MORE work than the ol’ 9-5 you ditched to become a full-time entrepreneur.
Now that’s not to say it can’t be everything you ever hoped for.
Treating your business seriously and learning to practice professionalism and are a must.
Here are five tips in order to keep from losing your mind and throwing in the towel:
1. Always make sure to present your best self. You may not be going in to an office where you are surrounded by coworkers, but this is not the time for ratty sweats and last night’s mascara. Make it a pre-workday ritual, wash your face, comb your hair, get dressed! Be comfortable, but be put-together, too.
2. Create a dedicated working space. Having a space you set aside just for your business, will mentally prepare you to get busy! It also allows you to create that separation from your work when the day is over and you move to the next room (or the other side of your apartment).
3. Always remember, YOU ARE NOT A RECLUSE. Have a life outside of your home. Just because you work at home and live at work you are not a shut-in! You need to make that physical break regularly.
4. ORGANISE. ORGANISE. ORGANISE. Clearly, I think highly of this practice. As a small-business owner, you are juggling many, many roles. You will need to have a good handle on your different tasks and learn to manage.
5. Having a plan will help with this. Do you have yearly goals? Monthly goals? Daily goals? Well you should!
Know where you are going, and plan a clear path. Write down your daily tasks that get you to those goals. Set deadlines! Meet those deadlines!! You always need to know where you are going and how you are getting there, or what is it all for?
Lastly, be prepared to plan again if you get thrown off course.
All that being said, working from home really can be wonderful!
You need to develop discipline, though.
Keep reminding yourself why you love what you do, and stay focused. And maybe you can even initiate casual Friday and show up to work in your gym clothes and top knot.