A lot of potential issues with your handmade business customers can be side-stepped through the judicious use of policies.

A well-planned policy preempts a lot of issues, and makes sure everything is spelled out clearly to your customer prior to purchase.

It also keeps everything fair and transparent, and makes sure you can’t be accused of making up one set of rules for one customer, and another for others.

It’s as much about your protection and peace of mind as it is about informing and protecting your customers.

In this episode, I discuss the ins and outs of policies – what you NEED to have in there (no matter what platform you use), and give you some Etsy-specific guidance, as well.

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Each donation helps cover the cost of hosting, show-note writing, research, interviewing, recording, editing, etc. etc.

In short – it helps to cover the time and financial costs of putting together a free weekly show to help you grow your handmade business.

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Quotes and highlights from this episode:


  • Check out my own policies on Etsy, and on my own website: Epheriell.
  • For detailed information related to this episode, check out this blog post!

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