by Jess | Money, Products
Hey Thrivers, Jess here! This post is Part 2 in a 3-Part guest series by Cassie Lee – Street Smart Pricing. If you missed it, you can read Part 1 here. ______________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations! You have done...
by Megan Eckman | Marketing, Products, Reviews
____________________________ {A note from Jess: There are a phenomenal amount of useful and informative books/ebooks/courses out there – so how do you choose which ones are right for you? Megan & I decided to start a monthly review series here on the blog...
by Jess | MotiBrights, Motivation, Products, Time Management
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the IDEAS you have? Do you get stressed out because you just can’t figure out how on earth you’re going to bring them all to fruition? Does the stress of this leave you stuck in a mire of indecision –...
by Megan Eckman | Money, Products
Last month I explained why There’s No Shame in Outsourcing. Hopefully you took that to heart and have started thinking about ways you can expand your line by working with other designers. Sister Cities: Russian Dress Tent by Robin Lasser and Adrienne Pao I had...
by Jess | Organisation, Products
{This post is part of a FREE 5-part e-course on growing the profits in your online handmade business, running on Create & Thrive this week. Subscribe to our email updates to make sure you don’t miss a lesson. You can see Lesson 1 here, Lesson 2 here, and Lesson 3...
by Jess | Organisation, Products
{This post is part of a FREE 5-part e-course on growing the profits in your online handmade business, running on Create & Thrive this week. Subscribe to our email updates to make sure you don’t miss a lesson. You can see Lesson 1 here.} Welcome to Day 2 of our...