by Jess | Podcasts, Self-Care
How can we embrace change when change is either scary, or not happening fast enough? Changes might be imposed upon your business by outside forces. You may feel like you’ll never succeed because the challenges your biz is facing won’t ever change. You...
by Jess | Motivation, Podcasts, Self-Care, Time Management, Wholesale
Do you feel ‘left behind’ when you look at other handmade businesses? Do you worry that you aren’t doing enough? That your business isn’t growing fast enough? That you should be where that person is? I’m here to tell you that this...
by Jess | Motivation, Podcasts, Self-Care
Heidi Fahrenbacher is a ceramicist. She has faced some huge challenges in her business following a fall on some ice outside her studio. No one knows the stress of facing injury while running a creative business better than Heidi. She makes a living full time from her...
by Sam Gilkes | Health, Motivation, Self-Care
Despite giving many talks on signature style, market stall prep and business planning (yikes!) the topic I’m most asked about is how I’ve managed to combine creativity with motherhood. I’m so glad when this comes up...
by Mitosa | Motivation, Self-Care, Time Management
I have a confession to make. Whilst I know I’m not the only one in this position – far from it – it’s time to come clean all the same. I am living a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde life. By day I toil away in my desk-bound “regular day...
by Kath Chown | Health, Organisation, Self-Care, Time Management
I’ve been feeling a little bit guilty lately that I’ve let things get away from me with my business and my life. About 3 months ago I had everything stable and in a great routine. I was working two days a week on my passion projects, the...