by Jess | Community, Thriver Circle
Hey Thriver, I may have been the one who created the Thriver Circle, but it is the members that make it the amazing community that it has grown into. (There I am with three long-term current members – Sue, Vera, and Jayne – at last year’s...
by Jess | Community, Thriver Circle
Hey Thriver, If you’ve ever thought: ‘What exactly IS the Thriver Circle, anyway?’ or ‘What would I get from joining the Circle?’ – then this post is for you 🙂 The Circle Is a Unique Community The Circle...
by Jess | Podcasts, Thriver Circle
Happy New Year! I thought it would be useful for you if we kicked off the New Year with a podcast on long-range planning. In this episode, I share my own processes, and give you some tips for things you need to think about now, to ensure your year flows smoothly, and...