From Megan:
- The Positive Results of Being Negative – Fast Company (We’ve all been told that optimism is key but if you can’t quite keep it up, negativity might be okay too.)
- Photoshop for Bloggers – A Beautiful Mess (Want to take your blog to the next level? There’s a new course up that teaches Photoshop specifically for bloggers.)
- Making the Most of Each Moment Every Day (This site/resource is no longer available) – Join Up Dots (A great podcast from a great business owner who specializes in premium experiences.)
From Jess:
- The Biggest Takeaway from Sir Richard Branson’s Rags-to-Billionaire Success – Business Insider (Want a little inspiration and kick in the pants? Then you’ll enjoy this look into what made Sir Richard Branson the success he is today.)
- Staffed by Mimes – Seth Godin (Don’t forget about the power of prose when it comes to your product.)
- Why Your Blog Doesn’t Stand a Chance in Hell of Succeeding (and What to Do About It) – Boost Blog Traffic (The truth about growing your blog by getting into your readers’ heads.)