From Megan:
- On Etsy: The 2014 Experience: Part 2 – Merriweather Council (Danielle posted the second part to her series on Etsy’s changes in 2014. It’s a must-read this weekend!)
- 2014 Annual Review: Lessons in Entrepreneurship and Unconventional Work – Chris Guilleabeau (This post not only has lots of inspirational information to push you forward into the new year but it provides a great reminder that we have accomplished so much each year. We just have to look back at how far we’ve come.)
- The Wrong Kind of Research: Stop Throwing Your Dreams into the Deep End – Lauren Bacon (Don’t let a simple Google search stop you from beginning a project.)
From Jess:
- Art is a Business – and yes, artists have to make difficult, honest, business decisions – The Guardian (The incredible artist, Amanda Palmer, explains why artists are just like any other business owners when it comes to making difficult decisions.)
- How to Take Pictures of Ceramic Pottery (This site/resource is no longer available) – via U! (Some great tips for ceramic artists but also anyone who has three-dimensional products.)
- David Hieatt is a Doer – Dumbo Feather (A great conversation with a creative business owner on the importance of community.)