Hey Thriver,

Things are going to look a little different this month.

I launched the Thriver Circle back in January 2015.

I started Create & Thrive in 2013 – yes, it’s the 10 year anniversary this year!

And, I actually started working full-time in my businesses (mostly just Epheriell jewellery) way back in 2010.

Since then, I’ve never taken more than 1 week completely away from my businesses.

It’s time for a true break!

Nick and I are heading over to Canada on July 10th to spend a month visiting family – his parents are flying in from the UK, and we’ll be staying with his brother & his wife, and our niece and nephew.

I’ll be returning to work on August 14th.

Last year, when we were over for their wedding, I still tried my best to work and keep up with all things Create & Thrive and the TC – and YouTube, etc etc.

But I’ve reached a point where I REALLY don’t want to be distracted from this wonderful time with family we don’t get to see very often – stressed about when I can get the next live event scheduled, or that I haven’t been able to check emails yet, or that I need to get a video uploaded.

So – I’m taking the month completely offline.

I have brought my dear friend Penny on board to take care of you (and the rest of my business stuff) for the month while I’m gone, so she’ll be here if you have any issues (and she’ll be monitoring my email, so you can just send emails as normal).

This means I won’t be running any live events in the Thriver Circle in July other than the live chat this week, and that I won’t be available in the Facebook group or on email during this time. I also won’t be publishing new videos or podcasts.

I’m giving myself permission to stop.

I’m truly looking forward to this mini-sabbatical to not only be present with my family, but also to truly rest, recharge, and re-ignite my creativity for the future of my businesses.

The time will no doubt fly, and I’ll be back before you know it! I’ll be officially back to work on Monday August 14th (though, if you’re in the Circle, you might see me pop in there a little sooner!).

I hope you enjoy the next month, and I’ll be back in your inboxes soon.

Jess x

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