Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. ~ Henry David Thoreau
A classic quote for you this morning.
I remember reading Walden back when I was at Uni, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Later, I also recall someone dismissing the whole book to me because ‘Thoreau wasn’t alone and self-sufficient – he took his laundry to his mother to do!‘, which kinda put a damper on things and offended little-ol’-feminist-me.
Now I’m older and (hopefully) a little wiser, I can put that sort of thing aside and still enjoy Walden for what it is.
In fact, I might have to see if I can dig out that old copy and read it now, again, some 12 years later, and see what lessons it has for me now that I live a more simple life in the country. We even have a pond.
Happy Monday – may you have a dream-filled yet simple week.