So often people are working hard on the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important that working hard. ~ Caterina Fake
In my business, we’re reaching the pointy end of the year.
Sales are picking up, the year has suddenly vanished until only December looms ahead, and time seems more precious than ever.
Plans are afoot for the year ahead – dreams and goals and hopes for what I can achieve with the new, fresh, and beautiful year laid out ahead of me.
With that in mind… it’s time to pull back and focus on the core work of my business – which at this time of the year means a focus on Epheriell.
Things will be travelling as per usual here on C&T – except that I’ll be publishing MotiBrights for the rest of the year as pretty much stand-alone snippets – without the accompanying essay.
If you’ve enjoyed my Monday ramblings, please do let me know, and I’ll resume them in the new year!
Have an ace week,
Jess x