Have you thought about it?
I mean, really thought about it?
Where could your business be one year from now?
How much could it have grown?
How many pieces might you have sold?
How confident will you be about your branding, your ideal customer, and your website?
How much might your social media profile, your mailing list, and your traffic grow in a year?
How much closer will you be to achieving success – whatever that means to you?
Do you feel confident you know what you need to do, and when you need to do it, to grow your business in the direction you want to go?
Or is it all just crazy-overwhelming, and you end up getting stuck because you’re not sure what to do next?
I get it – I’ve been there.
And I want to help you break through the overwhelm. To knock down the fear barriers holding you back. To give you the map and be your guide on the path.
I’ve created a lot of guides and courses over the last few years, but none of them bring everything together.
I think it’s about time I changed that. For you.
So, I’ve created something epic that will help you not only figure all of the above out – it will help you make your goals and dreams a reality.
Introducing – Your Year to Thrive
I have created a year-long (yes, a whole year!) program to guide you on your handmade business journey.
It covers everything you need to do and know to start (or revitalise!) and grow your handmade business – from foundational vision and planning; through brand and product development; venue testing and selection; your online presence; your copy and photography; marketing; social media; time management & self care, and much, much more.
In this course I have pulled together everything I have learnt over the last 8 years – it covers everything you need to learn and do to make your business a success.
This program is also deliberately designed to fit into your busy life – with one lesson on one topic every week for a whole year, it is at a pace you can actually enact, and will help you to make informed, epic progress on building your business.
Say goodbye to wondering ‘am I missing something’? Or ‘am I doing this right’? Or even ‘is this even possible’?
Yes. It is possible. I did it, and so have many, many others. You can, too.
This is the course I wish existed during my first few years in business.
Your Year to Thrive will begin Monday July 18.
So, how can you take part?
(Spoiler, it’s WAY more affordable than you might think.)
Find out here.
Keep thriving,