Hey Thrivers!

This month, I'm running a mammoth giveaway to celebrate the brief re-opening of Thriver Circle membership AND the opening of registration to my flagship course, Set Up Shop.

I've never done a giveaway like this before - the lucky winner is getting a HUGE prize!

The members of my private online community for makers - The Thriver Circle - are the most awesome, supportive group of people out there... and I wanted to take the chance to say thank you to them by giving every member the chance to win this very special prize.

This giveaway is open to both current and NEW members - so if you're not already a member, you can enter by signing up while membership is open!


So, what will the winner receive?

  1. One hour's worth of one-on-one private consulting with me. Value: priceless, as I never do private consulting. But if I did, it would be at least $300.
  2. One full shop critique (if you haven't got a shop, you have 3 months after the competition closes to get one set up prior the the critique). Value: $220 AUD.
  3. A copy of The Create & Thrive Guide to Product Photography. Value: $25 AUD.
  4. A copy of my e-course Brand Your Craft - which teaches you how to create a compelling brand for your handmade business. Value: $65 AUD.
  5. A copy of my e-course How to Sell More at Markets & Shows. Value: $55 AUD.
  6. Three months of FREE Thriver Circle membership. Value: $87 AUD.

That's a prize pool of over $750 AUD.


To Enter

  • Simply become an active, paying member of my online community for makers - The Thriver Circle - prior to Monday the 25th of March, 2019!
  • If you are already a member, simply maintain your fully-paid-up active membership from now until that date, and you also go into the draw to win!
  • BONUS: If you ALSO register for the Set Up Shop course (and you are already a TC member, or have just joined) you get a second entry! You MUST be a current Thriver Circle member to get this bonus entry.

Terms & Conditions

There will be one winner, who will receive the entire prize package.

The winner will be chosen at random, by me, on Tuesday the 26th of March.

Each person who has an active (as in, not suspended or cancelled – this has nothing to do with how actively you use your membership), fully-paid-up Thriver Circle membership as of the above date will automatically receive one entry.

Any Thiver Circle member who has also signed up and paid to take Set Up Shop in March/April 2019 gets one additional entry.

Good luck!

Want to start or overhaul an Etsy shop?

 Download this FREE 2-page checklist now - it's part of my Handmade Business Toolkit for Makers.

Don't make those common Etsy mistakes: make sure your Etsy shop is the best it can be!

(P.S. It’s also packed full of links to additional resources on all aspects of Etsy shop setup.)

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